Walking through History with Tony Robinson

So I’ve been out walking more and if i lived in the UK I would love to follow these walks that he has been showing on this series.

It’s no secret I’m a historian but this is the coolest way to get exercise and find out more about the country and the past.

This is worth the time to watch.

Let me know what you think. Available on Amazon.

Crusing the cut

So I do admit to watching some unusual shows and I first caught this on Amazon and have now gone back to watch this on YouTube.

This show is funny, informative, and fascinating. The person doing this show has a good sense of humor and is very creative. Yes he is a journalist but this show has made you think of those other ways to live.

If you want to see outside you bubble take a peak. https://instagram.com/cruisingthecut?utm_medium=copy_link

Check his YouTube crusing the cut.

Let me know what you think.